Saturday, September 26, 2009

rundt om i verden, før vi faldt i kærlighed

Well this is it my friend. The road we have come to know has finally run out. The dust is settled and horizon clear. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would come to this. After all that has come up and finally out we can fall back on the single notion that life has brought us here. The dinner parties, late night talks, freezing cold showers, and lets not forget the wind storms. The caravans, the self guided tours, over priced museums, terrible coffee, cheep hash, bad prunes, month long hotel stays, nudest resorts, burnt toast, screaming children, winding train rides, sun sets on the beach, toes in the sand. Wind in our hair, dust in our eyes, fire in our hearts, absinthe in our blood, joy in our soul. Rugby matches, camel races, snake charmers, fish eyes, bruised and battered, and too much salt. A blur it has all become and how fun it all was. Lets not forget the Lions, Giraffes, Hippos, Ostriches, Roaches, Whales, Penguins, Bears, Deer, Oxen, Birds, Birds, and more Birds. And some where in there I think we rode upon a couple of Elephants. From ocean to ocean and basin to summit. Our feet carried us the entire way except that month in the East where exhaustion led to bed rest. The meditation, the hours of prayer, the fasts, the feasts, the continental breakfasts. Motor scooters, bicycles, trains, planes, boats, canoes, rickshaws, and automobiles. Bartering prices, running form the law, missing all forms of tea time, being detained, soccer riots, political protests, airport security, customs, drunk tanks, opera tickets, balcony seats, valet parking, missing items, dirty hostels, language barriers, late nights, early mornings, cotton mouth, chapped lips, loose stool, goose bumps, head aches, nausea, bottles of aspirin, and lets not forget the, smiles, frowns, tears, sweat, blood, laughs, cries, stutters, gasps, and most of all silence. Its been a fun one but I must admit, along this winding and ever-wandering road I would have never thought "our" arrest would be for late fee's on rented videos. The west was tough, but not as much as the east. How fun it was to dodge the law based on the silly billy notion of having a Lawyer. Shame on life, that a monthly premium can buy you a friend. Whoever they are I hope they fight for us; and well, after what they can filter through, I hope they remember the idea of a soul-unity making way through what is deemed life. The sun will set after we forget. Just kidding I love you more than "so much". See you for a drink on Tuesday. If not; the following Tuesday would be great.

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